
Intex Ultra Frame 24-by-12-Foot-by-52-Inch Rectangular Pool Set Review

Intex Ultra Frame 24-by-12-Foot-by-52 inch Rectangular Pool Set
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Purchased for $[...] including shipping. Was a bit unsure at first about the quality/durability at this price. It is now set up and in use and all my concerns were unfounded. This is a relatively new pool design and it is really ingenious. Assembly is straightforward, instructions quite clear, no missing parts and the fit and finish were excellent. Really exceeded my expectation honestly. Best for a family with kids who want to get a fairly large pool up very quickly that should last 5 - 10 years with proper care. Everything needed is included in this package and the pump, filter and chorine generator are adequate for the pool size. The whole pool is assembled with not bolts or screws. You will need blocks to level with the ground for each leg and this can take a couple of hours to do. I would suggest 2 2x6x16" boards side by side rather than patio blocks. Cheaper, more durable, easier to set and easier on the vinyl retainers. At this price I would really be surprised if anyone would be disappointed unless they just didn't understand the different types of pools. I am updating this review after owning the pool for two seasons. I noticed that people are complaining about difficulty taking the pool down for the winter. The simple solution is don't!!! There is no reason to take it down. Just make sure you reomoved the valves and fittings from the side of liner, remove the interior plugs (leave the exerior caps on), and cover it. This will drain the pool a few inches but you just fill it up in the Spring. Whatever wear and tear you think you are saving by trearing it down for the Winter is misguided. The pool can easily withstand the cold weather is closed as indicated above. It is much harder on the liner and frame to take it down with all the prying it off the frame (which would get scratched and eventually rust then) and dragging it around. I hope this helps someone avoid a lot of hard, discouraging work for nothing. I would also strongly suggest getting a sand filter for the pool too. It will save you a lot of time and trouble keeping it clean. Another trick it to make a "bottom drain" by using a 3x3x2" or 3x3x1 1/2" PVC tee with PVC drain grates glued into each 3" end and a hoe barb fitting in the small hole. You can then connect this to the inlet and pull water from the bottom which works better for opening the pool. Once it is clear you can probably just stick with the skimmer for the season.

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Product Description:

Intex Ultra Frame Pools feature a new unique design making them stronger than traditional metal frame pools and even easier to assemble and enjoy. The heavy-duty powder coated frames resist rust and corrosion while the Super Tough 3-ply PVC liner stands up to the harshest elements.

Best of all, each Ultra Frame Pool comes with everything you need to get started: Filter Pump, Deluxe Chlorine Generator, Ladder, Ground Cloth, Cover, Deluxe Maintenance Kit, and Volleyball Set.

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