Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I got this to humidify my kids room. Previously we had been using the old vick vaporizer but it only put out for about 6 hours and had some other issues with getting the mineral content of the water just right.
Anyway this is without a doubt the best humidfier I've ever used. Setup was a little confusing at first (where little parts went. The tube hole through the tank was a little disconcerting but after I understood its function I saw it wasn't going to slosh water everywhere.
For a humidfier it has a amazing number of options.
Warm Mist vs Cool
I had always used "warm mist" but my wife wanted "cool mist", this was the only one that had both. Warm and cool are relative terms however. When I think of warm mist I think of the Vicks which can scald you if you get to close. It heats the room up in operation. This device the warm mist is sort of warm. It takes a few minutes to warm up and if you put your hand over the output you can feel its warm but not hot. It goes to warm by pre-heating the water before it hits the vaporizer. In cool mist it just vaporizes.
You have two output controls, relative humidity and mist volume for lack of a better term. Think of it as fan speed (but no fan)You set the humidity and it spits out water as needed. I don't know where the sensor is but the position of the output nozzel can really affect its reading.
The tank seems to hold enough water for 24 hours of output or 2-3 nights of use. The output is plenty adequate for a bedroom.
Lots of controls on/off, heat/no heat, humidity, output, timer, auto mode and more. This is the big difference betwen this and the lower end model. Someone finally figured out how to put a timer on a humidifier (imagine that). So it runs as many hours as you set it. The sleep mode sets all settings automatically and runs 8 hours. I love it.
What noise, this thing is silent. No bubbling or hissing or fan noises.
Filling the tank-
Take it out, flip it, unscrew the deminerlization cartridage and fill er up. Not the most stable but it works. Carry handle makes it easy to take back.
Its everything you could possibaly want in a humidifier. Low maintence, easy enough to fill, quite, lots of settings for any need.
Beats the heck out of the old vicks and some fan based whicking mold catching filter units I've used. The closet thing I ever had was a drugstore one that spit out the good stuff for 15 minutes and then broke. This is a quality product (and price) and should last (I've had it 2 weeks at the time of writing). It may be expensive but it does what you want and will outlast many of the others. If you've got the money its worth it.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Air-O-Swiss AOS Ultrasonic Humidifier - 7135
Product Description:
The Air-O-Swiss Ultrasonic Warm Mist Humidifier uses high-frequency vibration to generate a micro-fine mist. It has a built-in hygrostat and an output regulator button. A replaceable demineralization cartridge ensures a hygienic, pure water mist, without lime scale or mineral residues. When operated with the pre-heating function, the water is heated to 176?
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