
West Bend 58030 12-30 Automatic Party Perk Review

West Bend 58030 12-30 Automatic Party Perk
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I have owned 3 West Bend coffee pot just like this since 1991- each one lasting at least 8 years with heavy use. I purchased my first to make my own coffee to serve at impromptu receptions that I hosted on sight in my sales job. I use a gallon of bottled water, nice paper filters and Maxwell House French Roast coffee. Hundreds of gallons of coffee later I have no complaints! I keep a second pot for tea- I have never made coffee in it- it is my superior hot water pot. As the other reviewer states- these pots are hot and the coffee is never cold.
I have thrown parties, family gatherings, and had it in my office serving coffee every day and everyone agrees- perked coffee tastes best. I do not care for Starbucks - the strong acid is not my thing. I prefer a strong cup of perked coffee. The percolator allows the coffee to actually cook which reduces the acid.Anything leftover from morning gets put into a pitcher and into the fridge for iced coffee in the afternoon- it is so yummy! For smaller quantity the Westbend home percolators are great- not your grandma's machine they have nice easy to read and follow settings and again the superior flavor over drip.This unit is easy to clean- do not let the size intimidate you.

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Product Description:
12 - 30 cup party perk

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