Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Caring for fish in a very small bowl like this one is stressful both for the fish and the fishkeeper.
In a small bowl like this, the fish's waste will build up rapidly (espcially since there is no filter). This causes suffering (for example, eye and skin irritation), sickness, and even death. You can try to prevent this by changing the water frequently; however, frequent water changes are also stressful for the fish. (Not to mention a pain for the fishkeeper!)
In addition, the temperature of such a small volume of water will fluctuate rapidly; another source of stress for the fish. You cannot use a heater in a bowl this small.
In particular, this bowl is *not* ideal for goldfish and bettas.
Goldfish grow to be up to one foot long. Even when they are smaller, they produce a lot of waste. Goldfish need 10-20 gallons of water *each*, and they are schooling fish so you shouldn't have just one.
Bettas are tropical fish. They need a tank heated to 80F; there is no way to safely heat a tank smaller than 5 gallons.
If you'd like to care for a fish, please read some of the excellent websites out there and learn all you can. (Ignore manufacturers websites, since of course they will say their products are great, even crummy products like this one.) Get the largest tank you can afford. If you can't afford a large enough tank, please don't get the fish.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Anchor Hocking Classic Drum Style Fish Bowl
Product Description:
Classic drum style fish bowl gives you a clear view of the underwater creatures that call it home. This heavy glass bowl is also perfect as a terrarium or for crafts. It's a blank canvas just waiting for your decorative touch.
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