
Fresh And Alive! 2G Budget Water Ionizer (Batch) Review

Fresh And Alive 2G Budget Water Ionizer
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It amazes me how the simple process of electrolysis of water (running an electric current through water) to change its pH can be marketed into devices costing thousands of dollars. With a little basic understanding of the process of electrolysis of water, the concept of electrolytes in solution in water (salt or trace minerals), you can technically make your own device with by picking up a plug-in power adapter, some metal wire, some clips, a couple plastic jugs, a section of plastic plumbing pipe, and a sack membrane.

Even $198 is way overpriced for this simple contraption. With a combination of my laziness and the neat and tidy job these guys did in making this contraption, it is still $198 well spent, especially if you really look hard at those other models costing thousands and dissect them. Sure they look more technologically advanced, but they produce the same result in the end. Sure they have a water filter built in, but I have a perfectly functional Brita water filter that I've been using, and I just use that before I dump the filtered water into my $198 water ionizer and add a pinch of trace minerals.

This budget ionizer does the job as promised, is simple, foolproof, and brings results. The picture you see in the product page is exactly what you get. With such simple technology, fewer things go wrong, and you have complete control over the amount of trace minerals you throw in, the pH (by varying the time you electrolize the water), and you can feel good about how you only spend $198 while other victims of mass marketing and network marketing get scammed out of their hard-earned greenbacks.

Please do yourself a favor and don't get scammed into parting with thousands of dollars. Educate yourself with some basic knowledge and have some common sense.

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Product Description:
The Fresh and Alive! 2G Budget Ionizer creates medical grade super alkaline and acid waters tens to hundreds of times stronger than other ionizers at a fraction of the cost. Unlike expensive flow-through ionizers that connect to your faucet or plumbing line and electrify the water as it flows through, our 2G batch model holds water in two tanks, one acid, and one alkaline, separated by a porous membrane. Using medical-grade titanium electrodes, the 2G electrifies the water with direct current electricity for up to 12 hours. When used as directed, the 2G Ionizer makes 3/4 gallon each of pH 10 to 11 alkaline water with ORP of -800 to -1,000 millivolts, and pH 4 to 5 acid waters with ORP of 800 to 1,000 millivolts, every 8 to 12 hours. These values are tens to hundreds of times stronger than found in flow-through models. The primary weakness of flow-through ionizers is their dependence on the quality of water coming from your tap. All ionizers must have minerals in the water to make ions that give the water a strong pH and electrical charge, the fewer minerals you have in your water, the weaker your ionized water will be. If you have limited minerals in your water, you will have weak ionized water, and many municipal supplies and wells have poorly mineralized (and frequently toxic) water. With the 2G Ionizer you can use good bottled or purified water and add your own trace minerals in order to make strong, pure ionized water. You can use any of the expensive flow-through ionizers that connect to your faucet such as Jupiter, Kangen, Enagic, Tyent, Microwater, and Delphi, but if your water is poor quality, you'll wind up with low pH values and ORP values. With the Fresh and Alive 2G Ionizer you have control over both the quality of water used and the strength of ionization, features not found in any flow-through model on the market. You'll also need liquid sea minerals, a water pH test kit, & urine pH test paper. See our ionizer bundle which includes those.

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