
Teledyne R-2C4 Water Filter Cartridges (4 Cartridges) Review

Teledyne R-2C4 Water Filter Cartridges
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You can invest in other stylish kitchen faucet filtration systems, but all you are doing is throwing your money away.We bought our first Waterpik system when we lived in coastal Georgia.Our water had a sulpher taste to it, though I was later told it was actually clay that added to the potent flavor.We bought a simple Waterpik filter and it the difference in the water was night and day.

The challenge has been in sometimes finding replacement cartridges for the unit.At one point I had to replace the Waterpik all together and ended up buying other fancy white or silver color name brand filters, but they just did not do the job that the Waterpik did.The two main detractors from these other popular systems are that the filter cartidges are very expensive and do not last as long as Waterpik. Additionally the filtered water flow through those overpriced cartridges slows after only a few weeks to point where it takes several minutes to fill a small sauce pan.Mind you the indicator light on the unit still flashed green while the filter grudgingly filtered a trickle of water.

By quirk of fate the more expensive filter began leaking water and I stumbled across a store selling the less glamorous, but more efficient, Waterpik.When I bought the replacement Waterpik I also bought a box of four replacement filters, a supply that pretty much lasted a year.However, when it came time to replace my last filter I found store shelves once again empty of Waterpik replacements.Some of these same stores listed Waterpik replacement filters available on their on-line catalogs, but none were to be found on the actual merchandise shelves. I located a vendor on this website and ordered a box of filters for less than I would have had to pay in the store.Now I am set for the rest of the year.

I know the other faucet units look nice and some allow you to add flavoring to the water, but the Waterpik unit is the better choice.

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Product Description:
4-pack of Teledyne water filters Red zipper pull identifies how to expand luggage Long interior zippered mesh pockets Unit Dimensions -28 L x 20.5 W x 13 H, Weight -11.6 lbs.

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